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The Shofar Sounds at Kever Rachel Imeinu

by Evelyn Haies, president RCRF
(C) July 31, 2001

Sounds are heard on ramah, exultant sounds
Sounds are heard at Kever Rachel Imeinu, exultant sounds of prayer
Sounds are heard on ramah, exultant sounds are heard above the tears.
Sounds so deep and sounds so pure
Sounds so sad and sounds so glad
for loved ones lost
and loved ones spared
for dear ones past
and dreams that last
Sounds are heard at Kever Rachel Imeinu
from hearts so sullen
from hearts so full
from souls so stricken
from souls arisen.
Sounds are heard, exultant sounds
of hope and faith
emunah and bitachon.
The shofar sounds, the shofar sounds
awards those present.
Awards. Rewards.
The shofar sounds ascend on ramah
for Rachel Imeinu
and her children dear
because they're near
and because they care.
Because they care, the shofar sounds,
ascends on ramah,
because they care
and have returned.
The shofar sounds at Kever Rachel Imeinu
sounds fill the heart,
elevate the spirit
keep Klal Yisroel within Rachel Imeinu's borders
keep Rachel's children together even if apart.

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